I started using Test::Inline, and I have two related comments.  (I hope
this is the right place to bring them up.)

1.  I don't think that pod2test should do anything more than the minimum
    to construct a valid test script.  Anything else that is useful
    should be part of the standard Test:: modules.

2.  I don't like it capturing STDOUT and STDERR when I don't ask for it.
    I realize that well-behaved tests shouldn't write directly to
    STDOUT, but since the point of tests is that code is not always
    well-behaved, it's nice to get the clues that STDOUT and STDERR may
    provide.  There are of course better ways to capture this output
    when that's desired.

I also want to add that the amount and quality of testing support in
Perl is really gratifying.  When I did a large project in Perl several
years ago, I felt the need to write my own test library, but not today.


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