On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 11:10:19AM -0400, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> I thought the "isolation" principle that people were talking about is
> that before every test, a "setup" method is called, and after every test
> a "teardown" is called, automatically by the test harness.  This
> seems to require one method == one test.

That depends on what you class as a "test" for this principle. A "test"
(as in a test method) can contain lots of "tests" (as in Test::More
function calls). There's no problem with having lots of 'asserts' in one
test method.

> I was responding to your suggestion to put all the tests in one method
> if they are just parametrized by data.  How do you suggest writing the
> equivalent of
>     foreach (@test_data) {
>         is(my_func($_->{input}), $_->{output}, $_->{test_name});
>     }
> in xUnit style, such that the first failure does not cause the rest not
> to run?


sub test_my_func : Test(no_plan) {
  my $self = shift;
  my @test_data = get_test_data_from_somewhere();
  $self->num_tests(scalar @test_data);
  foreach (@test_data) {
    is(my_func($_->{input}), $_->{output}, $_->{test_name});

What am I missing?


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