
On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 08:41:58AM +0200, James Mastros wrote:

> - Having POD
> - Not having the POD that h2xs puts in

I wonder how many dists are authored by R.U. Thor :-)

> - Having a README

thats allready covered.

> BTW, I tend to think that modules that require lots of other things 
> deserve lower kwalitee...


> and that perhaps in addition to kwalitee we 
> should attempt to track importance.

Hmm, I was thinking of importance beeing a part of Kwalitee. It seems to
make sense, but I think it will be to complicated now. Maybe later?

> You can get importance for:
> - being listed as a (prereq|recommendation|build_prereq) for something
>   else (in relation to the importance of that thing)
> - having lots of CPAN testers reports
> - having lots of RT activity
> - having lots of rating votes
> - having good rating votes
>   (The two above can probably be simplified by taking the sum of all
>   rating votes.)
> - Being the most recent version of the dist in question
> - Not being a devel (IE with-underscore) version.

BTW, it should be possible to use the raw data to calculate importance. So
maybe all that's needed is a script that does some SQL munging...

> BTW, all modules should probably be considered to depend on perl itself, 
> no matter what the metadata we have says -- otherwise perl gets an 
> unfairly low importance.

CPANTS doesn't test Perl itself.  

> BTW, what's $report->{files}{ninja}?

see here:

> A standalone tester would be very nice -- so authors can test their 
> kwalitee before they upload, rather then after.

Thats also planned. Something like 'lint' for dists.

> There's a couple of misspelled fields in the kwalitee report.

Which ones?

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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