>>test-cover ::
>>      @cover -delete
>>      @HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover=+inc,$(HOME)/.apache-test
>>APACHE_TEST_EXTRA_ARGS=-one-process $(MAKE) test
>>      @cover
> I wonder whether we shouldn't try to standardise the target name before
> it's too late to do so.  Module::Build uses covertest, I've always used
> cover, and Geoff has just used test-cover.
> I'm not overly concerned, but I'll admit to preferring something
> starting with cover, because it completes more easily.  (Yes, I'm that
> lazy.  I even have make aliased to n.)
> So, standardise on covertest?  Opinions?

Devel::Cover is your realm, so I'm happy to follow whichever standard you
choose.  as david mentions, Module::Build already has a target, but it would
be nice if they could bend to your will as well ;)


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