On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 09:34:24AM +0000, David Cantrell wrote:
> The practice of bundling third-party modules with yours is IMO very 
> wrong indeed.  If I bundle (eg) Test::Frobnitz, and a hundred other 
> people bundle Test::Frobnitz, then this leads to two problems:
> 1. when the author of Test::Frobnitz finds a bug in his code those
>    hundred other distributions are still buggy;

If you make use of Module::Install or some other smart "do I use the
bundled version or the installed version" technique this is not a problem.

Personally, I only bundle a testing module when it avoids a dependency loop
such as Test::Harness or MakeMaker bundling Test::More.

> 2. if a user wants to look at Test::Frobnitz on search.cpan.org it's
>    hard to find amongst the noise of old versions in other distributions

search.cpan.org does not look in the t/ nor inc/ directories so this does
not apply.

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