I just got back from JOIN (Jornadas de Informatica) 2005, a little student
run conference at the University of Minho in Portugal.  Why this might be
of interest is its the same place and largely the same folks who will be
running YAPC::Europe.

I was asked to give something about testing to an audience of undergraduate 
informatics students, largely Haskell and maybe some Java.  What I finally
came up with is this:

I had 45 minutes to say something about testing and decided all I could do
was expose them to the subject, since its not part of their coursework, and
try to get them interested to so some work on their own.  The audience being 
inexperienced at programming and not Perl programmers meant I couldn't go 
into much detail.  Additionally since they're students and/or academics 
it doesn't help much to talk about business reasons for testing.  So I
went for the most basic, convincing reasons to write tests: how it will
benefit the lone wolf programmer.  Selfish reasons.  The reasons most likely
to convince someone who would otherwise just look at testing as just more 

There's really nothing there which hasn't been said before, not the best
talk in the universe, but its nice to have it all layed out if nothing else
than to help convince your co-workers.

So, what's wrong with it?  While I thought about what I wanted to say for
months I ultimately wrote the slides the night before the talk. :)

I forgot one important argument: testing lets you optimize/redesign without 
fear.  The whole "fear based programming" problem.

There's almost no pictures.

There's not nearly enough references, particularly when I expect the audience
to go out and work things out on their own.  I still can't think of a decent
testing book nor tutorial to recommend.  Test::Tutorial leaves the reader
at a dead end without referencing further works on, say, perl.com.  I don't
know the JUnit community to recommend anything there.

There's not nearly enough examples.  I avoided code to avoid confusing the
audience with a bunch of Perl and to keep things focused on ideas rather than
implementation.  I only had 45 minutes.  From the questions I got I believe
this left people without a clear concept of what a test was.  Or how "big"
a test should be or how much a single test should cover.  One question was
how tests should be divided up for which I used the WWW::Mechanize test
suite as an example.

During the break after the talk, but while I still had my laptop plugged into
the projector, I was demonstrating Devel::Cover's test coverage ability and
noticed quite a number of folks in the audience were rather interested in
whatever it was I was doing.  I don't know if it was the pretty colors on
the HTML page or what but it seems to be a fairly powerful demonstration.

Anyhow, there it is.

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