On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 09:00:17PM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> > We should be very wary of stipulating HOW authors have to achieve their
> > quality. Saying you can only check your POD in one specific way goes to
> > far IMO.
> That's a good point.
> OTOH, I know of several people who added Pod::Coverage to their test suites
> (and hopefully found some undocumented methods...) because of this metric.
> Thus one goal (raising the overall quality (!) of CPAN) is reached.

Speaking only for myself, I found that in this case it served to lower
the kwalitee of my CPAN modules.

I needed to make a new release of one of them, and so I decided to check
out what the latest kwalitee checks were so I could make sure I'd
everything covered.

However, when I discovered these two checks, I decided not to bother any

I already have things like this (and more besides) built into my whole
module development environment, but they don't work the way CPANTS
currently wants. I don't really want to change that environment, which
I've spent years tweaking to the way I like it, so instead I'll just
take the path of least resistance and decide to ignore CPANTS instead.

I used to think CPANTS was a great idea. But if it's going to be based
on HOW you do things, rather than whether you do things, I think it'll
ultimately fail.


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