Finally, the scoreboard does have a purpose.  Part of the original idea of
CPANTS was to provide an automated checklist for a good distribution.

Has a README...                 check
Declares a $VERSION...          check
Well behaved tarball...         no

And as far as I can tell, got sidetracked along the way with "scores". People have to actually fiddle to work out what there scores are...

Where's the per-module page on CPANTS that lists these simple check/fail?

Where's the per-author page that has the great big table with module name down the side, and test names across the top and green/red boxes indicating pass/fail?

I _know_ I've got some issues in my modules as uploaded, but in a sea of 60 or 70 modules, I sure as hell don't have time to hunt through and find them all (although I do try to get the obvious bits).

Adam K

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