On Thu, 2005-04-07 at 13:22 -0400, Christopher H. Laco wrote:

> How as a module consumer would I find out that the Pod coverage is 
> adequate again? Why the [unshipped] .t file in this case.

How as a module consumer would you find out that the test coverage is

Furthermore, what if I as a developer refuse to install POD testing
modules yet ship their tests anyway.  The kwalitee metric assumes that
*I* have run the tests, but I haven't.

For modules with platform-specific behavior, it's *more* useful to make
module users run coverage tests than POD coverage and checking tests.
Which is more likely to vary?  Yet I don't hear a lot of people arguing
that the author making the users do his work for him is a sign of

Do I have to write Test::Coverage to show what a bad idea this is?

-- c

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