From: "Randy W. Sims" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I didn't like the Probe name too much at first, but it's kinda grown on
> me; seems very perlish. I've come to think of Config::* as a place for
> static configuration information such as the compiler used to compiler
> perl, $Config{cc}.

Probe to me implies much more than configuration. With your suggested
modules, I think Probe:: is the ideal name. Config:: to me implies something
that is loaded at startup and can be overriden. Probe:: on the other hand is
fixed and could be loaded at any time. There is no reason why a Probe::
module couldn't be used as part of configuration, but I think it has a
broader use.

I would suggest there is a higher level module that actually does
the basic searching of PATH, filesystems, etc, which would handle the OS
specific parts. With modules such as Probe::Compiler listing specific
compilers (c, fortran, cpp, etc) that can be searched for. Thus removing the
need for repeated code.

As a starting point it maybe worth looking at have_library in the
Makefile.PL [1] for XML-LibXML-Common [2]



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