Ive been putting together a Test:: module to handle the kind of deep
comparison that I think is_deeply should do. Ive noticed some minor
issues with the process.

Writing test modules isn't well explained. The pointers to look at
other modules are IMO not too helpful. You have to spend quite a while
working out and reassuring yourself of various issues before you are
comfortable with what is going on. A tutorial explaining the general
framwork and the principles behind extending it would be useful.

Just as Nik Clayton wrote its not so straight forward to write tests
of the tests. Test::Simple comes with a framework but its not
installed (?!). From the thread Nik started i now know that there are
other tools available on CPAN to do this, but I wouldnt have if it
werent for that thread. An explanation of how to test a Test module
should accompany Test::Builder as its not straight forward at all.

Another issue I had is that its not particularly clear what the deal
is with an import method per package. Why is it necessary to recode
(slightly differently everywhere) the import routine? I personally
would have found it much nicer to say


and then have the import malarky automatically included. This would
also guarantee that a standardized interface to all of the test
modules. As it is it looks like the expectation is that each author
hand rolls the import, greatly increasing the chance that different
interfaces are exposed. Even if there is some technical reason why a
standardized import can't be used it would be a good thing to have
Test::Builder include a method which could be used to correctly filter
out the "plan" part of an import list. If new plan semantics are added
then only this routine need be altered to give all consumers awareness
of the new stuff. Something like:

 my (@plan,@import);

Another issue i had was that its quite difficult to extend and
override Test::More. If I want to write a test package  that behaves
exactly as Test::More except that a few subs do things differently you
have to go through some interesting contortions to do so. Expecting
the user to mix and match isnt ideal as if you want to override a
modules default exports you end up forcing the test author to write
explicit import lists. Which IMO is sufficiently annoying that id
prefer not to expect it or have it expected of me.

Also in places in Test::More there is behaviour contingent on file
scoped lexicals. Specifically in Test::More::diag() there is the
following test:
  return unless $Show_Diag;
since $Show_Diag is private it means you have to use Test::More's diag
routine to play nicely with its behaviour. I guess an option would be
to put this behaviour in Test::Builder's plan method or something.
(the 'no_diag' keyword that Test::More::plan() supports).

Anyway, maybe ive gotten this all muddled and these arent issues
people should worry about for some good reason or another. If so all
the more reason for a tutorial. :-)


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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