On 7/2/05, Eirik Berg Hanssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fergal Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> is_deeply($x, $y); # Equal, but "should" not be:
> $x .= "";          # after the "same" modification
> $y .= "";          # of the two things, they are
> is_deeply($x, $y); # not equal!

But its not the same modification. It only feels the same because you
use the same notation, but what actually happens is not the same.
Since the stringified version of the ref contains the address of the
ref the action is different.

You shouldnt be surprised when you say "replace $x with a unique
value, and then replace $y with a unique value" that $x!=$y  :-)

>   ... and what do you know, I would welcome is_deeply to continue
> behaving like this.  :-)

Well, it would seem enough people share your opinion that you need not
worry about it changing :-)


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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