Thanks to help from a number of people here, I now have a better
understanding of how Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix is used. 

I would like to see it integrated with 'prove', and have looked into
what this would take. Here's what I think needs to happen:

 - Have Test::Harness::Straps be declared 'stable enough' for general

 - Fix the possible "either/or" problem. From what I can tell,
   right now you can't get the usual output and the HTML output
   at the same time (maybe I'm wrong here?). This might be done
   by adding an as_text() method to Test::TAP::Model or a related

 - Use Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix to run the tests, which would now
   support the inherited text output option, as well as HTML option. 

 If we want to add a third output option besides as HTML, the internals
would need to be redesigned, perhaps to a "plugin" or "mixin" style

Another route to go might be to publish some of these things as filters:
  prove | tee tap2html ./output_dir/
  prove | tee tap2xml >output.xml

I haven't through how this would work in the face of having 2 streams
that might have meaningful data on them and aren't synchronized (STDOUT
and STDERR). 


 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Mark Stosberg            Principal Developer  
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Summersault, LLC     
   765-939-9301 ext 202     database driven websites
 . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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