> I'd really love to use Devel::Cover - I love the effect mastering the
> request/response Apache::Test framework has had on my code, and I really
> want to start using code coverage as part of my toolkit.

yah, this is a bit more complex than it probably ought to be, but I guess
that's by design.  it could also be a bit better documented, but...

start with this


there are two parts to note in there that are different than a standard
Apache-Test-based distribution.  the first is the addition of
t/conf/modperl_extra.pl which (for anyone searching the archives) contains:


    eval {
      require Devel::Cover;

      # this ignores coverage data for some generated files
      # you may need to adjust this slightly for your config
      Devel::Cover->import('+inc' => 't/response/',);

    } or die "Devel::Cover error: $@";

the second part is that you need to alter t/conf/extra.conf.in so
HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES is passed to the underlying mod_perl process.  the line is


sure, there are other ways to do it without examining HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES
I guess, but this is what I came up with and it seems to do the trick.

IIRC paul had some info on this at his YAPC::EU advanced Devel::Cover talk
(which I did not attend) so maybe he has his slides available for viewing as



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