I've got the flu.  I'm running a fever of 102F.  I haven't understandably
been paying close attention to my mail.  It seems things have got suddenly
and inexplicably urgent with regard to Test::Builder::Tester.

So, many people have been contacting me suggesting that apparently I need
to do stuff right now because the sky is falling.  I'm too ill to do
stuff.  Maybe next week.  I'm not even going to ask why all of a sudden
the sky is falling.  That sounds like a long debate, and I'm too ill for
that as well.


Micheal, if you want to take over TBT then that's fine by me.  Of course,
the CPAN indexer may disagree with you, but that's a whole other problem.
I've added you as a co-maintainer meaning next time you do a release pause
should properly index your release of TBT and we won't end up in a weird
situation where the CPAN shell will try and install the wrong module.

Patches? I'll help you write them, but I can't think clear enough to code
right now.   Again, I'll try next week.

Right, I'm going to take some more analgesic and try and get some more
sleep.  Wake me up when it's November.


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