Geoffrey Young wrote:

2) at the end of run it gives:

All tests successful, 1 test skipped.
Files=7, Tests=22, 140 wallclock secs (134.28 cusr +  5.51 csys = 139.79
server localhost:8529 shutdown
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/stas/'
make: cover: Command not found
make: [testcover] Error 127 (ignored)

I don't use a standard perl, so 'cover' is not in the path. So it should
probably do which(cover) and run it only then? Also could check the
directory perl lives and add that to PATH, since that's where 'cover'
lives if not installed global-wise.

I don't use a standard perl either, so cover is one of those things I need
to add to my path.

really, I'm not sure how much I want to run through hoops for people wrt
stuff like this - if you're a developer and you care about coverage you have
Devel::Cover (and its components) installed and ready for use, otherwise you
don't.  almost nobody will be running testcover who doesn't have things
installed properly, so I'm not sure it makes too much sense to go poking
around looking for stuff.

Sorry Geoff, but my things are installed properly. It's just that you shouldn't run an application that's not there. How hard it is to run which("cover") and run the executable only if found.


I do get segfaults and they are quite inconsistent. Even on
Apache-Test's test suite. Of course this probably has nothing to do with
your work, since have happened before as well. I wonder whether
Devel::Cover is just as unstable under plain perl.

under plain perl it works out very nicely.  I think something about the
embedded perl environment is causing problems.  actually, until a recent
version (0.48 IIRC) it didn't work under mod_perl at all.  my own personal
experience wrt mod_perl is that it seems to work ok with mp1.  the mp2 +
Devel::Cover combination behaves very erratically, but I have better luck
with unthreaded perls and prefork than threaded perls (and horrible results
with worker, if it works at all which I don't think it does).

but we're getting closer each time, and paul has been outstanding creating
D::C at all, so there's not much to complain about :)

It's true that there is not much to complain about other than it just doesn't work. I get segfaults on any apache based test suite, even with prefork/non-threaded perl so it's of no use whatsover :(

Stas Bekman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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The "Practical mod_perl" book

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