David Landgren wrote:
Hey! It's been over two months since we last had one of these suggestions!

I did battle with a module that shall remain nameless the other day. I had a difficult time figuring out how to use it. In times like these, I like being about to go to the build directory and p(aw|ore) through the eg/ directory and take a script and bend it into a suitable shape.

The package in question didn't have an eg/ directory, so I had to spend far more time studying the source and running it through the debugger than I really cared to.

For instance, I know that when I have something tricky to do with
HTML::Parser, I know there's always going to be something close to what I need to do in the eg/ directory. I think its a good adjunct to POD, which tends to be more (or should be) more theoretical.

/eg scripts are a nice "hands-on" way of finding out how a module works in real life.

No distribution should be without one!

I have a shitload of distributions, mostly small components.

For all those component distributions I consider it a failure if it is so complex that you need something more than just three or four lines from the SYNOPSIS.

How about we penalise anything with a eg/example directory, for not having clear enough documentation, or a clean enough design/API. :)

There's a lot of reasons for not having an eg/ directory, unless your distribution is huge and complicated, like say bioperl.

Adam K

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