
On Wednesday 29 March 2006 22:44, Andrew Savige wrote:
> --- Tels wrote:
> > although I still can only guess what TDD stands for :)
> Tolkien Driven Development?
> Googling around for examples of real world large systems developed
> using TDD, I found which
> states:
>  The first reaction that many people have to agile techniques is
>  that they're ok for small projects, perhaps involving a handful
>  of people for several months, but that they wouldn't work for
>  "real" projects that are much larger. ThatÂ’s simply not true.
>  Beck (2003) reports working on a Smalltalk system taking a
>  completely test-driven approach which took 4 years and 40
>  person years of effort, resulting in 250,000 lines of
>  functional code and 250,000 lines of test code. There are
>  4000 tests running in under 20 minutes, with the full suite

Woa, BigInt has more tests :-D Of course, it was not developed with TDD...

Thanx for the insight,


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