On Thursday 06 April 2006 22:34, Adam Kennedy wrote:
> Wow, what great timing :)
> To add to your use case, on the project I'm currently working on, we
> have 5 CPAN-style dists, probably 10 by the time we are done, but they
> all need to be installed in a particular order.
> Due to the peculiarities of the situation, doing a CPAN::Inject style
> setup isn't going to work for us.
> Is this usable in that sort of situation?

I think so.

> If so could you demonstrate the usage?

Just specify the directories in which these distributions reside in the order 
in which you want to have them installed. (as arguments to --dir for the 
script). Then type make to build, test and install all of them.

You may need to tweak the script a little to add various parameters at various 


        Shlomi Fish

> Thanks
> Adam K
> Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > As part of developing Test::Run, I maintain several CPAN modules and
> > install them to a directory under my home-dir. Now, until today what I
> > did was write a bash function to run the installation commands ("perl
> > Makefile.PL PREFIX=$FOO", "make", "make test", make install", or the
> > Module::Build equivalents), one by one for each of the modules. However,
> > if one of the commands would have failed, it would still proceed.
> >
> > A long time ago, I thought of a better idea in which I generate a
> > makefile that will run the commands and break if one of them fails.
> > Today, when I needed to update the list of installed modules, I decided
> > to catch two birds with one stone, and wrote the makefile generator. I
> > wrote it in Perl and it is included below. (it is licensed under the MIT
> > X11 licence).
> >
> > Now here's how I'm using it. In my bash theme ([1]), I have:
> >
> > <<<
> > __prepare_install_all_to_temp_makefile()
> > {
> >     (
> >         perl ~/bin/gen-perl-modules-inst-makefile.pl \
> >             --prefix="$inst_modules_dir" \
> >             -o "$modules_makefile" \
> >             --dir="$test_run" \
> >             --dir="$cmdline" \
> >            
> > --dir="$modules_dir/plugins/backend/Test-Run-Plugin-ColorSummary" \
> >
> > --dir="$modules_dir/plugins/cmdline/Test-Run-CmdLine-Plugin-ColorSummary"
> >     )
> > }
> >
> >
> > This is the function that calls the generator script to prepare the
> > makefile.
> >
> > And then I use this makefile by calling "make all" to build, test and
> > install all the modules one by one, or "make $(pwd)" to build one of
> > them.
> >
> > I hope you'll find this piece of advice useful.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >     Shlomi Fish
> >
> > [1] - http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2006/02/02/bash_themes.html
> >
> > Here's the script:
> >
> > <<<<<<<<<<
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> >
> > use strict;
> > use warnings;
> >
> > use Getopt::Long;
> >
> > my $o_fn = "-";
> > my $prefix = "/usr";
> > my @dirs;
> >
> > GetOptions (
> >     "o=s" => \$o_fn,
> >     "prefix=s" => \$prefix,
> >     "dir=s\@" => [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> > );
> >
> > my $text = "";
> >
> > sub process_dir
> > {
> >     my $dir = shift;
> >     if (-e "$dir/Build.PL")
> >     {
> >         process_mb_dir($dir);
> >     }
> >     elsif (-e "$dir/Makefile.PL")
> >     {
> >         process_eumm_dir($dir);
> >     }
> >     else
> >     {
> >         die "Unknown install method for directory $dir.";
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > sub process_eumm_dir
> > {
> >     my $dir = shift;
> >     handle_deps($dir,
> >         [
> >             "perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=\"$prefix\"",
> >             "make",
> >             "make test",
> >             "make install",
> >         ]
> >     );
> > }
> >
> > sub process_mb_dir
> > {
> >     my $dir = shift;
> >     handle_deps($dir,
> >         [
> >             "perl Build.PL",
> >             "./Build",
> >             "./Build test",
> >             "./Build install prefix=\"$prefix\"",
> >         ]
> >     );
> > }
> >
> > my $id_num = 1;
> >
> > sub handle_deps
> > {
> >     my ($dir, $deps_ref) = @_;
> >     my @deps = reverse(@$deps_ref);
> >     my $id = "target" . ($id_num++);
> >     $text .= "${dir}: $id-step0\n\n";
> >     foreach my $i (0 .. $#deps)
> >     {
> >         $text .= "$id-step${i}: " .
> >             (($i == $#deps) ? "" : ("$id-step" . ($i+1))) .
> >             "\n";
> >         $text .= "\t(cd $dir && " . $deps[$i] . ")\n";
> >         $text .= "\n";
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > foreach my $d (@dirs)
> > {
> >     process_dir($d);
> > }
> >
> > if ($o_fn eq "-")
> > {
> >     open O, ">&STDOUT";
> > }
> > else
> > {
> >     open O, ">", $o_fn;
> > }
> > print O "all: ", join(" ", @dirs) . "\n\n";
> > print O $text;
> > close(O);


Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

95% of the programmers consider 95% of the code they did not write, in the
bottom 5%.

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