Jan Dubois schrieb:
Module::Install version 0.60 and earlier pushes one of its own directories to the front of @INC, and that directory contains Base.pm or BASE.pm, shadowing the core base.pm on case insensitive filesystems (Windows, OS X).
Thank you for the explanation. I wasn't aware of this.
ActivePerl 5.8.7 build 815 and later load additional code in Config.pm to automatically adjust to using dmake and gcc if nmake and/or the Microsoft compiler cannot be found on the PATH. This allows you to use MingW with ActivePerl out of the box with zero configuration required.
Which is great, by the way.
One of the modules used in the ActivePerl::Config code use 'base.pm', which breaks if it cannot load the core version anymore. This has been fixed in Module::Install version 0.61: http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=18181 I've also modified the code in ActivePerl to not use base.pm in any of the modules loaded by Config.pm, so starting with build 818 you should be able to install CPAN modules with the broken Module::Install again.
While that's also great, I still think the old Module::Install versions lying around on CPAN are prone to blow up eventually and need a fix.