----- Original Message ----
> From: Nik Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ovid wrote:
> > I'm perfectly comfortable with this idea, but what I'm trying to figure
 > > out then, is the namespace for my parser.  It's a TAP parser, after all.
 > > Any suggestions?  I see that Adam has suggested a TAPx:: namespace,
 > > but there could still be competing TAPx::Parser modules. Don't know if
 > > that would bug folks, though.

> TAPx::<CPANID>::Parser

Thought about that, but immediately discarded it.  TAPx::OVID::Parser doesn't 
say anything about the parser other than authorship and the latter is verified 
by glancing at the docs.  My jumping on the TAPx::Parser namespace is almost as 
bad as my taking TAP::Parser, so I'm just trying to figure out how to truly 
distinguish my (currently incomplete) parser from others.  I suspect it will be 
as arbitrary as your idea, though :)

How about TAPx::PerlOrArtisticLicense::Parser? :)

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