This is cool, Ovid! I think you're definitely on the right track.


- I'd like an option to automatically s{ \A \s* - \s+ }{} all test
descriptions. I bet a lot of people would end up doing this
themselves, including myself.
- Speaking of that step, the underscore in your tokenizing method
(_lex) denotes it as private. What if I wanted to massage the tokens
after that phase? Specifying after_lexing hooks might be useful.
- I'm not sure how closely you're trying to follow a traditional,
multi-phase parser. If the lexer's job is to simply turn TAP output
into data structures, why does it die on the semantic error of a
forgotten plan? (10-lex.t line 183) Sounds like that's the job of the
- I mentioned this in another reply, but I'll phrase it differently
here: Having the lexer and parser die immediately on error is easy,
yes. But having the components recording _all_ errors for later
examination by the user would be very, very helpful.

Your tests are very descriptive & well organized.

On 7/8/06, Ovid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

The next version of my TAP parser is at

It's still not complete, but it's a lot further along than it was.  Some notes 
from Changes:

  0.02    8 June, 2006
        - Moved some lexer responsibility to the parser.  This will allow us
          to eventually parse streams.
        - Properly track passed/failed tests, even accounting for TODO.
        - Added support for comments and unknown lines.
        - Allow explicit and inferred test numbers to be mixed.
        - Allow escaped hashe marks in the test description.
        - Renamed to TAPx::Parser.  Will probably rename it again.

Note that it does not yet handle streams, but that's kind of low on my list 
right now (though it is on my list).

Just to give you an idea of what it can do, for this test:

  ok 1 - input file opened

We get this:

  my $test = shift @results;
  isa_ok $test, $TEST;
  ok $test->is_test,     '... and it should identify itself as a test';
  is $test->ok,          'ok', '... and it should have the correct ok()';
  ok $test->is_ok,       '... and the correct boolean version of ok()';
  is $test->number,      1, '... and have the correct test number';
  is $test->description, '- input file opened',
    '... and the correct description';
  ok !$test->directive,   '... and not have a directive';
  ok !$test->explanation, '... or a directive explanation';
  ok !$test->is_skip,     '... and it is not a SKIPped test';
  ok !$test->is_todo,     '... nor a TODO test';
  is $test->as_string, 'ok 1 - input file opened',
    '... and its string representation should be correct';

There are still some bugs, but it's definitely getting there.


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Web Programming with Perl --

Ian Langworth

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