Unlike what others said, "core" perl shouldn't be the vehicle for this, most likely, given the more stringent support and backwards compatibility. We want to be able to change the composition of "PerlPlus" overtime, and once things go into core, they're pretty stuck.

I should note for the record that the concept of "core" has only about 6 months left to live.

I had a chat with Larry at the YAPC hackfest about solving this problem more thoroughly for Perl 6 (and back-porting the solution to Perl 5), and I think we are in agreement. So I'll be dealing with this general area (core, preferred sets of modules) starting with perlmodlib and working outwards, in about a month when my main work project is slowing a bit and I have more than just a spare 10 minutes to reply to mailing lists.

Adam K

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