Andy Lester wrote:
(... many things ...)
And if you still have time or inclination to make CPANTS rules, have at it.

Don't worry about the game.

CPANTS is not about the game. The game is just a cute way to make a subset of authors pay more attention to cleaning their own cages.

What CPANTS is invaluable for is having something that will take all my/your modules and scan _all_ of them for the little niggly things that I already know are bad, but accidentally let slip into my distributions from time to time anyway.

I admit I represent one extreme here, but I simply don't have the time it would require to make sure all my old releases have non-executable Makefile.PLs, or bundled POD tests (even if I think that one's dubious), or have updated Module::Install versions.

For me, CPANTS was completely useless until it got the author view, so I can see EVERYTHING in one big grid. That's where the real value lies, not in the game.

I'm more than happy to see CPANTS keep getting more of these little niggly rules things added, so they can keep an eye on all of them and present me with a nice compact summary of all the places I left droppings in my cage.

Because I simply don't have the time, and everyone else is in the same situation. Like the way HTML::Tree doesn't use strict...

Adam K

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