>>>>> On Wed, 26 Jul 2006 04:08:05 +0200, "A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> said:

  > I’ll assume you didn’t actually mean it the way it came out; that
  > you were actually complaining about the tools. I agree that
  > Module::Signature falls far short of doing an adequate job; no
  > argument from me about that. But I think so not because it
  > decreases utility but because it doesn’t actually increase
  > security. When it decreases utility, it’s just because it fails
  > to work, not because in exchange for security.

  > If I could trade some utility for an actual increase in security,
  > I would.

I'll assume you didn’t actually mean it the way it came out;) that you
were actually complaining that M:S falls short because our security
model needs *further* action not because M:S has deficiencies. If M:S
has deficiencies, maybe we should address them now.


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