----- Original Message ----
From: Collin Winter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On the other hand, one thing I do recall clearly is that when I
> started doing a lot of testing in Python, I thought it was stupid that
> things like ``self.assertEquals(foo(), bar())`` didn't count as
> "tests" like they did in perl/TAP.

That threw me off when I first encountered jUnit.  For much of the testing 
world, a 'test' is a collection of one or more asserts which verifies that a 
particular feature behaves the way that it should.  So the following from 
Test::Class will confuse folks not used to Perl:

  sub foo : Tests(3) {
    my $self = shift;
    my $object = $self->class->new;
    can_ok $object, 'foo';
    ok $object->foo('bar'), '... and it should accept "bar"';
    is $object->something, 'something else',
        '... and it should properly update the object state';

For most of the testing world I've seen outside of Perl, that would be a single 
test.  Terminology will be a barrier.


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