I think you've made an invalid assumption that examples will just happen to have a console or input/output interface.

How do I show an example of using Wx.pm by implementing Windows Notepad in the example. Or a POE asyncronous application, or a curses interface, and so on.

Adam K

Gabor Szabo wrote:
Going along the path of testing the examples in my distribution,
I think it could be generalized. What do you think about this?

=head1 NAME

Test::Example - Check if all the examples in the distribution work correctly


   use Test::Example;


   use Test::Example;
   foreach my $file (glob 'myexamples/*.plx') {
           dir    => 'myexamples',
           script => $file,
           stdout => "stdout/$file",
           stderr => "stderr/$file",

=head1 METHODS

=head2 test_all_examples

Goes over all the .pl files in the eg/ examples/ /sample/  (...?)
directories runs each one of the scripts using L<test_example>.
Options given to test_example are:

dir => 'eg', # the name of the relevant directory
       script => 'scriptname.pl',       # the name of the current .pl file
       stdin  => 'scriptname.pl_stdin',
       stdout => 'scriptname.pl_stdout',
       stderr => 'scriptname.pl_stderr',

=head2 test_all_examples_do

The same as test_all_examples but

=head2  test_example

       dir     => 'myexamples',
       script  => 'doit.pl',
       stdin   => 'file_providing_stdin',
       stdout  => 'file_listing_expected_output_of_doit',
       stderr  => 'file_listing_expected_errors_of_doit',
       argv    => ['command', 'line', 'arguments'],

Before running doit.pl chdirs into the 'myexamples' directory.
doit.pl is executed using system. The list of values provided
as argv are supplied as command line parameters.
Its STDIN is redirected from the file that is given as 'stdin'.
Its STDOUT and STDERR are captured.

In short, something like this:

   chdir 'myexamples';
   system("$h{script} @{ $h{argv} } < $h{stdin} > temp_out 2> temp_err");

Once the script finished the content of temp_out is compared to
the expeced output and the content of temp_err to the expected errors.

If no 'stderr' key provided then the expectation is that nothing
will be printed to STDERR.

=head2 test_example_do

The same as L</test_example> but instead of using C<system> to run the external
script it will use C<do 'scriptname.pl'>


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