# from Andy Lester
# on Thursday 04 January 2007 06:25 pm:

>On Jan 4, 2007, at 8:17 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>> Is it possible to shuffle all but the first tests?
>No.  You either have tests that are ordered, or you don't.

Stated as if it were some sort of immutable law of the universe!  My 
point, and my usage of BAIL_OUT(), and in fact the only reason that any 
of my tests would require some order is basically what others here have 
also described.

# from Greg Sabino Mullane
# on Thursday 04 January 2007 07:39 pm:

>[1] I've never had a need for random tests myself. The only reason I
>break mine apart is to isolate testing various sub-systems, but I
> almost always end up having some dependencies put into an early "00"
> file. I also tend to a have a final "99" cleanup file. While I could
> in theory have each file be independent, in practice it's a lot of
> duplicated code and a lot of time overhead, so it's either the 00-99
> or (as I sometimes have done) one giant testing file.

It sounds like the 00 & 99 .t files are not really tests at all, but 
rather just scripts for pre and post.  But, since the harness only runs 
'*.t' files, we have to pretend the setup, tear-down, and sanity checks 
are tests, right?

I suppose this sort of thing could (and maybe should) be pushed up into 
the build system, but it seems that it has historically been simpler to 
just make it a .t file.

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."
--Albert Einstein

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