--- Kirrily Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2. Assume a directory t/data (or t/fixtures if you will -- I just
> call
> it data in my own tests).
> 3. Create a file t/data/foo.yml (or whatever data format) containing
> the
> data needed by the tests in foo.t
> 4. At the beginning of foo.t, load data/foo.yml into whatever data
> structure (memory, SQLite, real database, etc)
> 5. Run tests against foo.t
> 6. When foo.t exits, tear down the data created in step 4.
> Yes?  In other words "fixtures" is just a jargony name for t/data/,
> right?

Pretty much, for the common sense that the term is often used (though
as noted people tend to have different definitions.
> And, is the above setup/teardown stuff right, or would you do it
> before
> each individual test?  That would seem to be nearly nonsensical, but
> then, I've seen stupider ideas.

Well, many languages consider a 'test' to be a set of asserts.  So with
Test::Class, the following would be considered *one* test by a Java
programmer but *four* tests by a Perl programmer:

  sub customer_name : Tests(4) {
      my $test  = shift;
      my $class = $test->testing_class;
      ok my $cust = $class->new('bob'), 
        'Creating a new customer should work';
      isa_ok $cust, $class, '... and the object it returns';
      can_ok $cust, 'name';
      is $cust->name, 'bob', 
        '... and it should return the correct name';

That's one of the reasons for conceptual mismatches for different

> My earlier comment about Test::Builder-based test modules was that
> some
> of the fixtures stuff I've seen used repeated code chunks to go over
> the
> contents of foo.yml, for instance doing validation runs against each
> record, and it looked to me as if the Perlish way to do that is to
> write
> a test module that provides record_is_valid() and related stuff.  As
> I
> understand it now, this isn't actually part of "fixtures"
> conceptually,
> it's just something that one might tend to see near fixtures.

Well, here's one way I do test fixtures with regular .t programs:

  use Test::More tests => 5;
  use Our::Test::Database;
  my ( $class, $dabase );
       $database = Our::Test::Database->new;
       $class = 'Customer';
       use_ok $class or die;
  ok my $cust = $class->new('bob'), 
    'Creating a new customer should work';
  isa_ok $cust, $class, '... and the object it returns';
  can_ok $cust, 'name';
  is $cust->name, 'bob', 
    '... and it should return the correct name';

'Our::Test::Database' starts with something like (can't recall the
exact syntax) and use Template::Toolkit:

  DROP DATABASE [% test_database %] if exists;
  CREATE DATABASE [% test_database %];
  USE [% test_datbase %]

  # table definitions

Note that much of the above is simply handled for me with Test::Class,
but I tend to use Test::Class for OO tests and .t files for procedural
code.  It seems a better conceptual match.

Later, the 'Our::Test::Database' has a DESTROY method which drops the
database.  At the beginning and end of every .t file, the database is
created from scratch and destroyed.

You can also create a test helper module which can populate the
database with sample data (or at least static data which should always
exist), though this means that the programmer looking at a test doesn't
immediately see what data's in the database.



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