On 5 Mar 2007, at 13:38, Ovid wrote:

--- Eric  Hacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Given all of this chat, what would folks think about an optional
to 'runtests' (the TAPx::Parser equivalent to 'prove'), which would
warn users about which test programs are being run without a plan?

That should have read 'run with a trailing plan' because 'no plan' is a
parse failure.  A trailing plan generally means the plan is computed
from the number of tests run.

Obviously I'm in the "don't mind no_plan" camp - but since it's optional :-)

I have no idea what to name that switch, though, as 'warnings' is
already taken to enable warnings in the programs.  '--tap-warnings' is
probably a decent choice even though I prefer '--squeal-like-a-pig'.

(Well, -w and -W are taken, '--warnings' is not, but '--warnings' seems
like it would be too confusing)

It would be nice if the warnings could be made more granular. For example I like trailing plans, but non-TAP output might be an issue. Maybe an .*rc file of some kind ala Perl::Critic?



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