Eric Wilhelm wrote:

It sounds like this needs work in the done() functionality. Also, it's not clear at first reading whether a prefixed plan is able to make the done() into a no-op. Ah well, on the pile it goes.

As in this?

    use Test::More tests => 1;



Part of me wants to say "why not?" but then my future self arrives from 5 years on to hit me with a laser-guided piece of scrap iron for making him maintain compatibility this worthless piece of functionality.

So on the principle of "anything you allow now you're going to have to support later" I would disallow it and probably make it a no-op with a warning until someone has a good reason for it.

The arguments in favor I can think of are pretty lame.

1) It protects you from running tests after you're done... but then the numbered test plan does that, too.

2) It allows you to use a template like...

    use Test::More "until_done";

    # your tests here


And change from "until_done" to "tests => #" without having to find and eliminate the done call... but how hard can it be to remove that done call?

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