
I've found that using Test::Files in a test script changes the output of
TODO tests in Test::Harness.

== begin test.pl==
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '../../perl/lib';
use Test::More;
use Test::Files;

plan tests => 2;
   local $TODO = "TODO Testing";
   is(1, 2, "a failing test");
== end test.pl ==

The script to run this test using test::harness

== begin harness.pl==

use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'perl/lib';
use Test::Harness;


== end harness.pl ==

Output is:

C:\perl>perl harness.pl
#   Failed (TODO) test 'a failing test'
#   at AggregatorTest/test/test.pl line 10.
#          got: '1'
#     expected: '2'
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=1,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)

Now when I remove the "use Test::Files" line, then the output of harness.plis

C:\perl>perl harness.pl
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=1,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)

It seems to me that using Test::Files creates noise when running TODO tests
in Test::Harness. This is a problem because it pretty much makes TODO tests
look like failures!

I am using v0.13 of Test::Files and v2.64 of Test::Harnesss. I am also
running on windows (I have no other choice :) )


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