On 7/31/07, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please explain to me, in detail sufficient for a three year old, precisely
> how:
> 1) POD can possibly behave any differently on my machine versus anyone else's
> machine, being non-executed text and not executed code

What version of Pod::Simple do you have?  What version does everyone
else have?  Will POD parsed on your machine always parse the same

"Should you care?" is really your second question:

> 2) "Failures" in POD have any bearing on the use of the distribution,
> especially if an end-user has installed the distribution merely as a
> dependency and not as a developer

Personally, I think it has little bearing, but not zero -- but your
point is a good one.

> 3) False negatives are EVER acceptable in tests

Which way do you mean this?

False negative meaning a the test is negative for the unwanted
condition when it should be true? (E.g. pass tests when the module has
a bug or you test negative for cancer but really have a tumor; etc)

Or false negative meaning the result shows an undesirable ("negative")
outcome when the real situation is a desirable one?  (E.g. Fail module
tests when it shouldn't; test positive for cancer when you actually
don't have it; etc.)

Either way, I recall that it's usually hard to minimize both "false
negative" and "false positive" errors in certain types of testing --
you often have to trade off one for the other.


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