# from David Golden
# on Friday 17 August 2007 10:03 am:

>On 8/17/07, Eric Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   1.  author (kwalitee, pod, etc)
>>   2.  gui
>>   3.  network
>>   4.  you must have an account/password on $external_service
>>   5.  postgres/mysql/whatever availability/setup/permissions
>>   6.  no modem attached to /dev/ttyS0
>As for different profiles, there's no reason that one couldn't have:
>There really isn't a need to standardize the top level, either, unless
>there is a goal of adding support for it to Module::Build and/or

Yes, that is the goal.  The toplevel directory should be the same.  
While the config-file approach would allow the name to vary, I think 
that is over-engineering given that 't/' is an invariant "assumed 
directory name".

> there's no need for any standardization below the top level.  

Except in that it would conveniently allow smokers to "sign up" for 
testing *specific* extra functionality.  That is, "yes, I have network 
connectivity" means it is ok to run the "xtra_t/network/" tests.

I'm not saying we have to have a committee establish *all* of the 
possible profile names.  If we can just say 'author', 'network', 
'exhaustive', and 'gui' for now, I'll be happy.  Are we going to have 
to argue over those names too?

>I think the important thing is establishing a *convention* of keeping
>tests intended for developers and not end users out of the "t/"

Yes.  What I would like to do to motivate that is to provide the 
incentive of a recommended alternative (one which is supported by 
tools, smoke testers, etc.)

>And what percent of CPAN 
>distros will really include so many author variations anyway?  Let's
>not let the perfect design be the enemy of the good.

As long as we don't hastily shoot ourselves in the foot.

To succeed in the world, it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be

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