On 30 Nov 2007, at 00:51, chromatic wrote:
$ prove -rb :: gargoyle :: --state=hot,save,all :: splendour :: t/ spog.t

Y'know, at some point I think I'll just write my own wrapper around
TAP::Harness, with attractive members of the appropriate gender, and
blackjack, and an amusement park.

That is, there *may* be a point here where cramming too much into prove is
getting confusing.  At some point, we all have to write some Perl.

The state stuff is useful I think. Passing args to tests is more marginal and I certainly don't believe it's a big enough deal to warrant the amount of debate it's attracted.

I'm going to go with '::'. If anyone dislikes it enough, as you say, they can write their own tool.

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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