On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, Edwardson, Tony wrote:

Anyone written any CPAN modules for which the testing coverage needs to be
improved ?

Oh, yes.

Want someone else to sort this out for you ?


Milton Keynes PM  want to start working together to contribute to the Perl
development effort and as we need to do something that beginners and experts
can both work on, we thought that improving the testing coverage of popular
CPAN Modules would be a good initial project.

So, we are looking for popular CPAN modules which could do with a better
test suite and the Author is willing to let others work in it on their

Log::Dispatch might be a possibility. The tests are old and crufty, and probably don't cover lots of corner cases and features. I'd be happy to see the test suite refactored a bit into multiple files. It could also use better mocking so we could test things like syslog and email.


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