Since many people seem to like and want the features in my custom
Test::More programs (, I think
a custom module should be on the CPAN.  This module should incorporate
both the tests people most often use and the features they really want
supported but aren't available in the Test::Simple distribution.

To that end, I modified my CPAN::Mini::Extract to extract the tests
(been meaning to do that anyway) and I wrote a program to find the all
tests and report on the most commonly used test programs.  It's not
perfect, but I realized that the most common programs will be so common
that I can easily tell what people are likely to want.  Out of 286 test
modules used, here are the top 10:

  Test::More              44473
  Test::Exception          1380
  Test::Simple              731
  Test::Base                316
  Test::Builder::Tester     193
  Test::NoWarnings          174
  Test::Differences         150
  Test::MockObject          139
  Test::Deep                127
  Test::Warn                118

For various reasons, it seems to me that I I should include Test::More,
Test::Exception, Test::Differences and Test::Deep.  I also think that I
could include &explain (diag() only if verbose), 'die on fail' and
'bail out on fail'.

I'm not sure of the package name, though.  Test::Even::More sounds odd,
but other names are welcome.



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