On 15 Jan 2008, at 11:18, Ovid wrote:
  * Make it subclassable.
  * Allowed deferred plans.
  * Allow for TAP upgrades (YAMLish, YAMLish, YAMLish!).
  * "On Fail" callbacks?  (I realize lots of people will squawk here)
  * [insert your desired features here]

Don't get hung up on the "On Fail" stuff; these are just ideas.  We're
so much closer to getting to a sane testing environment.  Can we cross
the finish line?

Since I'm a lazy we bugger and won't do any actual work to get this done you should ignore everything I say. However two random things popped into my head.

* Having all assertions coming into the system as roles/traits would be cute * Maybe TAP should start going in the other direction? Ask your TAP source for "GET TESTS BAIL-ON-FAIL" etc?

Going back to do some $work now.


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