Hello again!

Here's the 3rd update on the Oslo QA hackathon. If you got this mail, it means you're either on the <perl-qa@perl.org> mailing list, or explicitly mentioned on the hackathon wiki page (most likely because someone wants to see you in Oslo.)


In short: Hackathon April 5-7th 2008 in Oslo, Norway. Also, there's an open source conference called "Go Open" in Oslo, April 8-9th. And an IEEE conference on testing after that, for those especially interested.

This is the current state of affairs:

 0. If you can't come, or want to come - and the wiki doesn't reflect
    this, then please update the wiki page! If I haven't heard that you'd
    like to come, you won't get a stab at the sponsorship. :-(

 1. Oslo.pm's cooperation with the "Go Open" conference has been fruitful.
    Some of you will get a mail with an invitation to give a talk (and
    with that comes a trip to Oslo and the hackathon. :) More details
    coming later in the week.

 2. We now have funds for 4 people: 2 unspecified, 1 for Ovid and 1 for
    Merjin. Thanks BBC and Procura.nl! :-D Two people have also committed
    to come anyway. :) The "unspecified" ones will go out soon, if you
    want to have a say in who'll come, see #5.

 3. And btw, more sponsors are in the pipe.

 4. We're working on deals with hotels. Hopefully we'll have some
    reasonable accomodation offers soon (before feb. 1st, I hope.)

 5. Who would you like to meet if you come to Oslo? Send me a mail with
    your top 7 wishlist, and we'll see what we can do. (And those who
    give me a list automatically also vote for themselves.)

 6. If you feel someone is missing in the invitee list, please add them!
    And remember to vote them in. ;-)

 7. If you want to come, and don't want to bother with the sponsorship
    hassle (it'll go atleast a month before we have all sponsor deals
    done), please send me a mail. If your $employer pays your trip, that
    counts as sponsorship.)

That's it for now. Feel free to mail me if you have questions.

Kind regards,

- Kirill Miazine (Oslo.pm board member)
- Salve (Oslo.pm head nutcase)

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getc DATA}$"="'};&{'";@_=unpack("C*",unpack("u*",':4@,$'.#     <[EMAIL 
'2!--"5-(50P%$PL,!0X354UC-PP%/0\`'."\n"));eval "&{'@_'}";   __END__ is near! :)

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