G'day Everyone,

brian d foy wrote:

I'd like to see the metircs that only talk about the quality of the
distribution, and leave everything else alone. If it's something I can
fix by doing something to the distribution itself, measure it. If it's
anything else, leave it out.

Gabor Szabo wrote:

I wanted the Debian specific metrics there in order to give feedback to
the authors so they know what's the status of their module in Debian.

I think that telling people that they've been packaged in Debian or elsewhere is great. It's certainly feedback I'd like to see. It's certainly an indication that someone things the module is worthwhile.

However I'm with brian here that having metrics that can't be improved just by doing something to the distribution itself makes for a sticky situation. I want to score points on all the optional metrics I can, but some of my modules (like App::SweeperBot) will never be packaged on Debian, because they just don't run there.

I think a good solution is to add a new category called "honours". It is an honour to have your module packaged by Debian, included in the ActiveState distro, or to be used by another CPAN module. For honours, we only mention what honours a module has received, not what it hasn't. For example, an honours list may read:

        * Packaged by Debian.
        * Included with ActiveState Perl 5.8.8
        * Given a 5 star review on cpanratings

The important thing is that the list doesn't mention all the honours that haven't been received (packaged by RedHat, sent to the moon, included as a dual-life core module etc). Honours don't contribute to the kwalitee score.

The end result is authors feel good about their honours page (it doesn't show at all if there are no honours), the kwalitee metrics continue to measure things an author can reasonably fix, and end-developers using CPANTS for research won't be turned off by a large number of red 'optional metrics' from an otherwise excellent module.



Paul Fenwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://perltraining.com.au/
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