G'day Hilary,

chromatic wrote:

(Want a heuristic which finds *actual* bugs in almost every module ever
written?  Check the use of eval and subsequent $@ testing, or the use of
ref(), or SUPER::whatever(), for example.)

Hilary Holz requested:

Could you expand a bit, please (or provide pointers to an existing reference
or references)?

There's a discussion of eval/$@ happening (or finishing) on p5p right now. It starts at [1].

It doesn't list all the eval/$@ pitfalls, but the ones that immediately bring to mind include:

        * Exception-handling code that directly or indirectly uses eval,
          which then results in $@ being cleared.  Copying $@
          before doing anything with it is recommended.

        * Related to that, any code that uses an eval without
          localizing $@ can clobber a value in $@ that the caller
          may have cared about.

        * Anything that does localizing $@ can result in problems
          trying to re-throw errors unless extra care is taken.
          See [2].

        * Objects can use eval inside their DESTROY blocks, which
          can result in $@ being cleared when the eval exits,
          even though an exception occured!

        * Signals can clobber [EMAIL PROTECTED]  See [3].

The recommended way to use eval looks like this:

        eval {

                # code that may die goes here...


        } or do {
                my $err = $@;
                print "Oh no!  Something went wrong\n";

                # Use $err to hopefully figure out what happened.


Eval returns false if it captures an exception, or the last value of the block (in our case, 1) if successful. We then hope that $@ is still around by the time we get to it.

I'm not exactly sure which pitfalls chromatic is alluding to with regards to ref() and SUPER:: .

All the best,


[1] http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/perl5-porters/2008-06/msg00507.html

[2] http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=29696

[3] http://rt.perl.org/rt3//Ticket/Display.html?id=47928

Paul Fenwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://perltraining.com.au/
Director of Training                   | Ph:  +61 3 9354 6001
Perl Training Australia                | Fax: +61 3 9354 2681

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