# from Ovid
# on Monday 18 August 2008 03:50:

>JSON is fairly well implemented and new implementations are trivial.
>  This is not true for YAML.  Trying to define a minimum standard of
> YAML for extended TAP is a quagmire.  With JSON, we can punt and just
> point to a fairly well-established JSON spec.

I'm all for supporting JSON.  I'm all for supporting XML and YAML, and 
SVG, and base64-encoded jpg for that matter.

As Michael Peters pointed out, how does the TAP parser decide that a 
JSON (or any) document has begun or ended?

In my thinking, the standard says:  "there are blocks of diagnostic 
content" and specifies their start/end sentinels, including 
some "diagnostic format identifier" (encoded in the start sentinel?), 
plus the specifics of how a given diagnostic block relates to the test 
output (e.g. a diagnostic block is associated with the preceding 

That means the TAP parser is responsible for finding the start and end 
of the diagnostic, probably un-indenting it, and then it has 1: the 
type/format and 2: the content.  The interpreter for that diagnostic 
format+content is another thing entirely.

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--Murphy's Constant

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