On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But the FAIL did fail to point out the true source of the
> problem. And IMO this hints at a real problem that was mentioned
> in this thread, but was not really indicted: namely CPAN.pm's
> logic that if there is no Makefile.PL, it is a sane idea to make
> one up out of whole cloth. I can't believe anyone would think
> this could ever *ever* work, though Andreas does not strike me as
> the type to put harebrained heuristical magic in code. So I have
> to wonder what the justification for this behaviour might be. Is
> it really necessary or even helpful?

There are handful of things on CPAN that are just zipped .pm files.  I
think the generated Makefile.PL was intended to deal with them.


* BinTree
* Counter
* Apache::AuthenIMAP

However, CPAN.pm only generates a Makefile.PL as a last resort (i.e.
no Build.PL and no Makefile.PL).

Just to be on the safe side, however, earlier today I committed a
patch to the CPAN trunk to bypass CPAN::Reporter entirely if a
Makefile.PL has been generated by CPAN.pm.


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