In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andy
Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Where's the warning on the front page of PAUSE saying "Your upload had  
> better match certain criteria or else we will send you mass email  
> about it"?

PAUSE sends you email too, but only for PAUSE things, such as indexer
failure, upload, or deletion reports. I've received more mail from
PAUSE in the last month than from CPAN Testers.

PAUSE, however, has an explicit policy of not caring about the quality
of whatever people upload, and we encourage people to upload early
rather than later. We don't make those judgements, and we're not going

CPAN Testers is what happens in a world of open source. Anyone gets to
look at and comment on your code, whether you agree with them or not,
and they don't need anyone's permission.

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