# from Andreas J. Koenig
# on Monday 08 September 2008 15:16:

>Since yesterday I have downloaded and analysed ~56000 testreports from
>cpantesters and found ~135 distros that have been tested by both MB
>0.2808 and 0.2808_03. There is only one result (Test-Group-0.12) that
>looks bad but it turns out to be due to broken Test::More 0.81_01. All
>others suggest that _03 is doing well.

Umm... okay.

1.  I see a lot of m/0.2808_03 +FAIL/ in there.  Did you chase-down 
several of those?  Are you saying that having "some fail" on 0.2808 
implies that "some fail" on 0.2808_03 means no regression, or did you 
manage to somehow correlate the 0.2808_03 fails to the same machines 
sending 0.2808 fails?

2.  Where are these reports coming from?  Again, the subject of false 
fails:  I would hate for testers to be pummelling other authors with 
alpha M::B errors while the M::B maintainers are left blissfully 

But those are just observations on the past.  I think we're probably 
ready to ship.

"It works better if you plug it in!"
--Sattinger's Law

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