
I want to query TAP against Data::DPath[1] expressions.

For this purpose I need a reliable data structure (of hash and array
refs) that containes parsed TAP and whose structure will practically
never change, so that my DPath expressions keep as stable as TAP.

For this purpose I started a module "TAP::Data" which is just a call
of TAP::Parser and collecting all data into one large data structure.

Please see [2] for a very rough first draft, not yet on CPAN.
Try: prove -vl t/tap_data.t

Again: the only purpose of this module is
 a) to define a *reliable* data structure definition and
 b) help create it from TAP.

My questions:

 1. Would this module name "TAP::Data" make sense?

 2. Have I missed an already existing module with that purpose?

 3. Already comments on my data structure after trying [2]?


Kind regards,

[1]  http://search.cpan.org/~schwigon/Data-DPath/
[2]  http://renormalist.net/misc/TAP-Data-0.01.tar.gz

(Please note that both modules are still in early stage.)

Steffen Schwigon <s...@renormalist.net>
Dresden Perl Mongers <http://dresden-pm.org/>
German Perl-Workshop 2009 <http://www.perl-workshop.de/en/2009>

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