On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:16:15PM +0100, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:50:05 +0000, Tim Bunce <tim.bu...@pobox.com> 
> >>>>> said:
>   > I'm strugling to find a common denominator in these test results:
>   > 
> http://bbbike.radzeit.de/~slaven/cpantestersmatrix.cgi?dist=Devel-NYTProf+2.07_94
>   > It would be wonderful if there was some tool that would analyse the
>   > perl -V output and help identify the combinations of settings associated
>   > with failures - assuming there is a pattern.
> The tool exists: CPAN::Testers::ParseReport comes with the program
> ctgetreports. Pay attention to the --solve parameter.

Wonderful! Many thanks Andreas.

> Unfortunately,
> in your case no findings except what David Golden already mentioned:
> Regression 'meta:from'                                    
> ****************************************************************
> Name                   Theta          StdErr     T-stat   
> [0='const']           1.0000          0.1574       6.35
> [...]
> [2='eq_bin...@cpan.org']             -0.9412          0.1619      -5.81
> which tells us that normally the tests succeed but if the tester is
> bin...@cpan.org, there is only 6% PASS.
> Indeed, bingos reported one PASS: 3151674

I'm coming to the conclusion that should release anyway as *no one* has
been able to reproduce the specific fault in the bingos failures.

Very strange though...


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