Following a blog entry of David A. Wheeler I arrived to the
web page of Open Proofs: he created.

In short, as I did not understand much, there are tools to mathematically
prove that a certain program does something or does not do something.

Unfortunately most of these tools and most of their use is secret.

To quote the web site
"Verified software is often highly classified, sensitive, and/or proprietary.
In addition, research papers are too short and abstract to present
meaningful examples."

The idea behind the web site is to provide a set of open source tools
and examples
of open source software with proofs, that is open proofs.

There is an example of a short C program with its proof

All this seems to be interesting but I could hardly understand it.

Maybe someone here is also interested and could explain.

Maybe someone could point us to tools that can prove
a piece of Perl 5 or at least a piece of Perl 6 code.


Gabor Szabo           
Test Automation Tips

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