On Sunday 15 February 2009 17.49.43 Ovid wrote:
> If you're struggling to understand a complex app, a graph of the
> inheritance hierarchy can be very useful.  Here's an example for
> TAP::Parser:
> http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j275/publius_ovidius/Geek%20Stuff/graph-5
> ...

Nice, I'm looking forward to using it. It would be nice o have call trees 
(there must be way to generated that already, right?) which could also show 
the inheritance of their argumenst on demand.

Of course one might argue that with some time on your hand you could generate 
a much better looking graph that can be embeded in your documentation 
(although auto generated would be much better).

Cheers, Nadim.

                       /  \
                      /    '--TAP::Parser::Result::Version
                     /            \
                    /              '--TAP::Parser::Result::Test
                   /                \
                  /                  '--TAP::Parser::Result::YAML
                 /                    \
                /                      '--TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma
               .--TAP::Base             \
              /       \                  '--TAP::Parser::Result::Comment
UNIVERSAL    /         '--TAP::Parser     \
    \       /                              '-TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown
     '--TAP::Object                         \
      \     \                                '--TAP::Parser::Result::Plan
       \     \
        \     '--TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader
         \     \
          \     '--TAP::Parser::ResultFactory
           \     \
            \     '--TAP::Parser::Grammar
             \     \
              \     '--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Factory
               \     \
                \     \                 .--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array
                 \     \               /
                  \     \             .--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream
                   \     \           /
                    \     \         .--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process
                     \     \       /
                      \     '--TAP::Parser::Iterator
                       \     \
                        \     '--TAP::Parser::Parser::Source
                         \           \
                          \           '--TAP::Parser::Source::Perl


       /       .--TAP::Parser::Utils
      /       /
UNIVERSAL               .--TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout
   |                   /
   |                  /
   |              TAP::Parser::Result
   |               /  \
   |              /    '--TAP::Parser::Result::Version
   |             /            \
   |            /              '--TAP::Parser::Result::Test
   |           /                \
   |          /                  '--TAP::Parser::Result::YAML
   |         /                    \
   |        /                      '--TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma
   '       /                        \
    \     /                          '--TAP::Parser::Result::Comment
     \   /                            \
      \ /                              '-TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown
    TAP.:Object                         \
        \                                '--TAP::Parser::Result::Plan
          \     \
           \     '--TAP::Parser
                     \                 .--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array
                      \               /
                       \             .--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream
                        \           /
                         \         .--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process
                          \       /


       /       .--TAP::Parser::Utils
      /       /
UNIVERSAL               .--TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout
   |                   /
   |                  /
   |              TAP::Parser::Result
   |               /  \
   |              /    '--TAP::Parser::Result::Version
   |             /            \
   |            /              '--TAP::Parser::Result::Test
   |           /                \
   |          /                  '--TAP::Parser::Result::YAML
   |         /                    \
   |        /                      '--TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma
   '       /                        \
    \     /                          '--TAP::Parser::Result::Comment
     \   /                            \
      \ /                              '-TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown
    TAP.:Object                         \
        \                                '--TAP::Parser::Result::Plan
          \     \
           \     '--TAP::Parser
                     \                 .--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array
                      \               /
                       \             .--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream
                        \           /
                         \         .--TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process
                          \       /

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