On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 5:24 AM, Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I wonder if there are modules out there that already do this?
>>> I could not find any that would fit my needs.

Test::Cmd?  It's not built on Test::Builder but could be
adapted/wrapped.  It uses shell redirection to capture output, which
should be OK as long as you don't need interactivity with the programs
being run.

I have something I wrote a long time ago for repetitive testing of a
command line program.  I've considered putting it on CPAN but never
got around to writing much documentation for it.  It works more or
less like this:

  my $program = Test::CLI->new($path_to_program);
  $program->stdin( $input );
  $program->runs_ok( @args );
  $program->stdout_like( qr/$expected/ );
  $stderr -> $program->stderr;  # for custom examination

Right now, it assumes the "program" is invoked via perl, but that
could be stripped out.  It also supports default arguments that are
added to every run. So you might use it like this:

  my $interp = Test::CLI->new($path_to_interpreter, @default_params);
  for my $c (@cases) {
    $interp->stdin( slurp $c->{in_file} );
    $interp->runs_ok( $c->{utility} );
    $interp->stdout_like( $c->{stdout} );
    $interp->stderr_is( $c->{stderr} );

If you want, I'll stick it in some boilerplate and publish it to CPAN
and github and then you're welcome to document it or improve it.  Just
let me know if that would be helpful.

Or, if it would need a lot of adaptation for what you're looking to
do, you're welcome to browse it and take whatever is useful.  It's
t/CLI.pm in the Pod::WikiDoc repo:

> Capture::Tiny is cute.

More than cute -- it works and works pretty universally for all
situations.  I have a few more edge cases to code (e.g. if STDOUT or
STDERR are closed before it starts capturing), but my goal is to have
it replace the 20 or so other capturing modules out there.  Then
things like Test::Output can be re-written around it and will become
much more powerful.

-- David

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